The LiMAR® Rotary Jetting Tool provides high impact 360º jetting coverage to target and dislodge debris, paraffin’s, waxes and scales from the completion tubulars.

The tool can be configured with a number of jetting head diameters in order to reduce stand-off and maximise impact pressure of the jet stream. Various nozzle configurations can be selected dependent on the required application. Rotational speed is optimised and controlled by altering fluid flow within the brake mechanism, ensuring that regardless of pump rate and temperature the tool can be set up to maintain rotational speed within a desired operating range.


 Removing debris, paraffin, waxes and scales from the completion tubulars


- Optional jetting head diameters
- Flexibility in quantity and orientation of jets
- Range of jet inserts available to govern back pressure
- Hard wearing carbide jet inserts
- Flo straightener to minimize jet pressure loss and improve jet coherence
- Self-balancing brake mechanism to ensure reliable rotational speed at varying temperatures
- Simple, robust design ensuring ease of operation for the end user
- Selected Components QPQ treated
- Hexagonal flats for safe make-up & break out
- Connections to suit customer requirements