Utilizing Allied-Horizontal’s advanced multi-detector pulsed neutron Reservoir Analysis System (RAS), our clients now have measurements to accurately identify smaller volumes of formation hydrocarbons than ever before. This will reduce the risk of overlooking potential pay zones and improve the ability to evaluate, monitor and manage reserve production. The RAS technology addresses a broad range of applications and delivers valuable information to better optimize perforating and completion programs to maximize hydrocarbon recovery in vertical, deviated or horizontal wells.
Evaluate new well hydrocarbon content when open-hole logs are constrained
Monitor and evaluate well health for timely remedial workover decisions
Analyze cased-hole fluid saturation in three-phase reservoirs
Locate bypassed hydrocarbons with greater confidence
Evaluate Shale gas/oil plays
Detect water movement either inside pipe or in a cement channel
Supplies information to reduce production of unwanted fluids