NPS WHM services (Total Valve HEATHCARE Program) can offer you a complete management system that handle all levels of Well Head Preventive and Integrity Maintenance, This Offer covers: Management, Field crews, Equipment, Consumables and a comprehensive document package.

NPS WHM Services are capable of handling large scale project of 3,000+ wells which range from Gas, Oil Water Injection and Artificial Lifted well. Our system caters for all environments: off shore and onshore operations on well that contact H2S, CO2.


Routine maintenance consists of a set method to the client’s requirements. These are summarized as a period maintenance program, which can be scheduled to clients’ requirements, typically 6 monthly or annually

To provide six monthly or annual routine wellhead maintenance services including:

Injection of Flush and Lubricant / Sealant to all Christmas tree and annulus valves.
Pressure or In Flow test and Function test all Christmas tree and annulus valves.
Pressure test casing hanger/packoff voids.
Operate and test valve actuators.
Visual inspection of wellhead and Christmas tree assembly.
Recording annulus pressures.
Compilation of wellhead as-built drawings.
Computerised storage of service records.


Non-routine maintenance consists of a client-approved method associated with repairing an item, which is not fit for purpose. Non-routine items outstanding are planned to minimize deferment and conflicting activities.
Pressure Lube Liquid Injection Flush Pump Specification

Air operated
Injection pressures up to 10,000 Psi
Fast injection rate (approx. 0.8 litre per minute at 2000psi)
All hoses rates at 10,000 Psi working pressure
Whip Assembly complete with
10,000 Psi Gauge
10,000 Psi ball valve
Quick connects
Lube adapters