Fixed Cutter Drill Bits
As a leading drill bit solution provider, Halliburton continues to advance the evolution of fixed cutter bit technology, introducing innovations that have produced a "step-change" in application-specific PDC bit design.

Incorporating the most advanced PDC cutter technology available, Halliburton’s Fixed Cutter bits are designed with the “accumulated knowledge” of a proven design platform that incorporates state-of-the-art force management and drilling dynamics optimization technology.

This highly engineered design platform combines sophisticated modeling and analytical capabilities with a "tool box of options" for unmatched design capabilities, producing bits engineered to meet specific challenges:
•Steerable applications
•Hard rock formations
•Deep unconventional wells
•Turbine drilling

Because each application presents unique challenges to performance, the process of Design at the Customer Interface (DatCISM) process positions experienced design personnel side-by-side with the customer, and equips them with the most sophisticated drilling analysis software available, enabling application-specific design solutions to optimize detailed aspects of drill bit design.

GeoTech™ Fixed Cutter Drill Bits

The ‘Next Generation’ of PDC Bits
GeoTech™ matrix- and steel-body bits are the "next generation" of PDC bits, with each design truly optimized to deliver a new level of performance in its given application.

Customized through a process that combines specific application experience with our best application science, GeoTech fixed cutter bits incorporate the very latest, most advanced bit technologies: improved matrix/binder materials, leading edge PDC cutter technology, and advanced CFD hydraulics optimization.

But more than that, GeoTech designs combine those innovative technology features through application-specific engineering for bits that help yield optimum performance in your given application.

At the heart of GeoTech innovation, the process of Design at the Customer Interface (DatCI℠) draws from a comprehensive solution "tool box" that comprises our best and latest understanding of the science in the bit including:
•Our rock-interaction analysis tool for predicting load and motion of a drill bit for multiple scenarios including rock chipping, bent motor, whirl, and more.
•Depth of cut control (DOCC) optimally positions cutting-structure elements to smooth torque fluctuations, while a two-step cutter layout position improves performance when primary cutters wear or when drilling parameters change.
•PDC-cutter technology significantly increases the amount of rock removed with less wear for higher average ROP and up to four times the footage of previous products.
•Improved hydraulics simulation leads to optimum hydraulic design, directing flow with little recirculation and eliminating stagnant zones to optimize bit cleaning and minimize erosion.
•Advanced materials include new matrix/binder materials, which increase durability and erosion resistance, enabling innovative steel-blade geometries and aggressive matrix body design.

With new, more sophisticated modeling capabilities than ever before, DatCI allows us to determine during the design phase, if modifications will lead to actual performance improvement in a given application. That means GeoTech bits can be "virtually" verified and tested for optimum performance under specific operating conditions before ever being built.

As a result, each GeoTech bit can be truly optimized to deliver a new level of performance in even the most challenging application: yours.

MegaForce™ Fixed Cutter Drill Bits

Industry‘s Most Robust Matrix Body Drill Bit
Drilling through the most challenging formations, the MegaForce™ bit features advanced SelectCutter™ PDC Technology, ultra-efficient cutter layout force balancing, improved erosion resistant matrix material and enhanced hydraulics.

Designed for an operator‘s specific application by one of our Application Design Evaluation (ADESM) service specialists using our industry-unique Design at the Customer Interface (DatCISM) service, the result is a matrix bit with a combination of higher ROP and longer intervals drilled than any other bit.

TurboForce™ Fixed Cutter Drill Bits

The TurboForce™ diamond impregnated drill bits feature advanced technology that results in longer intervals drilled, enhanced versatility and reliability, and a lower cost per foot. Halliburton’s exclusive mass distribution calculation and balancing methods improve bit stability and negate underbalanced centrifugal forces. The increased diamond content on the continuous shoulder further promotes bit stability and enables greater run length. Hydro-dynamic bridges redirect fluid and boost the cleaning and cooling of the cutting structure. A proprietary wear indicator precisely determines the bit condition, optimizing decisions for product usage. Advanced active gauge geometry reduces differential sticking, improving overall drilling efficiency.

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