Balltec’s LiftLOK™ tools provide a simple, robust, high capacity method for lifting and handling heavy loads. Using the tried and trusted ball and taper gripping mechanism, the LiftLOK™ requires minimum ROV intervention and is ideally suited for the deployment and retrieval of equipment using standard pipe as the connection interface.

Amongst other applications the LiftLOK™ has been used for:

Mud mat deployment & retrieval
Subsea decommissioning
Buoy handling
Pile handling
STEV-tensioning systems
Conductor installations
Deployment of mooring systems

Balltec holds stock of several configurations of LiftLOK™ for instant delivery.
Custom built LiftLOK™ tools can be manufactured to suit your project requirements and additional features can be engineered into the tools to ensure we have the right solution for any problem.