Wild Well helps to reduce “human factors” or errors that lead to well control incidents through the use of expert-led rigsite kick drills. Minimizing the human factors that contribute to well control incidents means creating a culture of change through analysis of individual roles.
Trend analysis reports identify key weaknesses so they can be developed into strengths. The information is used in kick drills in order to enhance existing strengths of the crew as well as the individual. A well-oiled team operates efficiently and effectively while under pressure. Wild Well's crew assessment draws from quantitative and qualitative measurements to develop a proper response to a kick event.
The onsite kick drill from Wild Well Risk Management Services provides a review of response skills for all rig personnel. The onsite assessment results in an increase in familiarity with the actual equipment used by personnel on a daily basis. Best of all, the customized, onsite drills provide training for the entire crew at a fraction of the cost of offsite training.
Not every well control incident is a blowout, but each well control incident robs operators of valuable drilling ahead time and resource control. By minimizing the risks associated with all forms of well control incidents, operators maximize their return on progress.
At the end of every kick drill assessment, the Wild Well representative will coordinate with team members to discuss specific and individual roles. This critical meeting will include a review of the crew's knowledge of equipment and operations. It also stresses the importance of the crew's duties to daily operations and emergency response situations.
Crew Awareness Training
Crew Awareness Training allows the drilling crews to understand how and why blowouts occur. Wild Well instructors help crew members understand and recognize the telltale signs of a pending kick and make sure they are fully versed in proper shut-in procedures. Crew Awareness Training can take place at your site or ours and can be tailored to your specific employee group.