Well Control Case Studies
Wild Well Control has a wealth of experience. See some of our well control case studies.

Blowout and Fire at Jack-up Rig in GoM
Dynamic Kill with Coil Tubing in Southern Russia
Dynamic Kill Well Intervention in North Sea
Floating Mud Cap Well Control in Gulf of Mexico
Pressure Control Solution in Deepwater North Sea
Surface Intervention at Propane Storage Well in East Texas
Subsea Well Control Response: A Comprehensive Approach
Blowout and Fire at Jack-Up Rig in GOM
Dynamic Kill with Coil Tubing in Southern Russia
Dynamic Kill Well Intervention in North Sea
ControlSEAL™ Packer Leak Remediation
ControlSEAL™ Plug and Squeeze Through Perforations
ControlSEAL™ Resin Annular Plug Placed with Coiled Tubing
ControlSEAL™ Section Mill Plug and Squeeze
ControlSEAL™ Liner Plug and Squeeze
ControlSEAL™ for Shutting Off Water Flows
ControlSEAL™ Sustained Casing Pressure Remediation
ControlSEAL™ High Performance Epoxy Resin to Restore Well Integrity
ControlSEAL™ High Performance Epoxy Resin to Remediate Sustained Casing Pressure
Plug and Abandonment of 8 Gas Wells
Low-Density Freeze with FreezeLITE