Drilling Data & Analytics
The RigWatch® Suite is a comprehensive rig monitoring system that consolidates drilling, pit volume totalizer (PVT), measurement while drilling (MWD) and mud logging data. This data can be used to interface with surface and downhole rig components offered by Canrig.

By providing hundreds of data points, the RigWatch® Suite helps operators improve the speed and accuracy of decision making and enhance operational efficiency. Examples of drilling data provided include the following:

An electronic drill recorder and PVT can be scaled to perform comprehensive drilling efficiency optimization in order to meet the needs of any customer
RigWatch® Suite automatically captures MWD surveys from any service provider via WITS to provide directional plots, reports and a 3D “Heads-Up-Display” of the wellbore
Immediate access to IADC tour sheets and daily morning reports are supported by signature pads for authentication
End-of-well reports facilitate the drilling of future wells in the same region
Flexible visualization features improve the interpretation of instrument data
The pipe tally feature reports drilling assembly usage and tracks pipe in and out of the hole
As the RigWatch® Suite collects hundreds of data points from nearly any type of instrument, it executes advanced algorithms against this data to help improve drilling efficiency, monitor rig performance and track equipment usage. The data can be presented using dozens of different visualization tools that allow rig site personnel to quickly and effectively respond to changing environmental and process conditions. These tools have been shown to improve rate of penetration (ROP), assist in the delivery of custom data applications, and decrease non-productive time.

MyWells.com® Data Portal
The MyWells.com® portal brings data from an array of products together in one place to provide customers with a web-based, remote view of drilling operations. Any RigWatch® data generated at the wellsite can be transmitted to the MyWells.com® portal in real time.

By using the MyWells.com® portal, operators can proactively collaborate with offsite subject matter experts or third-party contacts to notify them of events, planned and unplanned rig activity and real-time equipment conditions. This allows for time-critical decision making, more effective preventative maintenance programs and improved operational logistics.

Whether managing two rigs or several rigs, on shallow land or deepwater offshore wells, the MyWells.com® portal provides instant access to high-definition drilling data through a virtual real-time remote data center without the costly capital investment that accompanies similar product offerings.

The Rigline 24/7™ command center provides around-the-clock 24/7 support for RigWatch® data and the MyWells.com® portal. This team specializes in remote and on-location service and maintenance, troubleshooting, installation and commissioning.