Navigator™ Directional Platform
The Navigator™ steering, visualization and tracking program provides a step-change improvement in the directional drilling process. Using Navigator™ software allows Operators to make faster, more accurate directional decisions and accurately place their wells in the target zone. The Navigator™ software platform automatically documents every directional drilling decision, and evaluates directional performance, assigning accountability and identifying areas for improvement.

This platform is an automated directional drilling workflow that serves as a digital advisor, a documenter and a performance tracker. Navigator™ software calculates directional drilling instructions to keep the well within the target window, documents all decisions and actions taken and rates performance at each stand against quantifiable KPIs. In addition, the operator can set best practices and rules for each well that are programmed into the Navigator™ software platform so that its recommendations will always comply with the operator’s set parameters.

The Navigator™ software platform provides real-time 3-D visualization of the well path in relation to the planned well trajectory. This 3-D visualization is used on location to understand the situation down hole and is shared with directional and geosteering experts at remote operations centers, who can intervene at any time to avoid problems and optimize performance.

Navigator™ Software Advanced Features
Supports modeling and visualization of the planned and drilled well paths, either accessed at the rig or from a remote operating center, with all users seeing same data
MWD data acquisition is built into the system to collect surveys on connection or on demand and streaming toolface data
ROCKit® slides are automatically captured and analyzed for motor output, slide score KPI and auto slide sheet reporting
Provides slide/rotate advisories, called drilldowns, at every survey station acquisition
Uses unique 3D Drilling Window visualization to support drilling accuracy KPI’s
Allows users to control slide drilling intervals by dogleg severity, length and slide / no slide zones