OrientXpress® Rotary Steering System
The OrientXpress® rotary steerable system (RSS) features a unique steering mechanism that does not use traditional external actuation or moving parts. Instead, its near-bit stabilizer pushes off center from the drill string and can be adjusted continuously to orient the bit in the desired direction. This enables customers to drill higher-quality wells while lowering the cost of directional drilling operations through better downhole maneuverability, improved borehole quality and reduced non-productive time.

The OrientXpress® RSS eliminates extra time consumed by sliding, reduces friction and increases the rate of penetration in hostile drilling environments. Its shorter tool design delivers greater lateral lengths in the reservoir. Other features include:

No wellsite assembly needed, increasing reliability with fewer hands on the tool at the wellsite
No external moving parts for improved reliability and less potential damage in difficult hole sections
The industry’s shortest RSS, allowing sensors to be closer to the bit for optimal hole placement
A near-bit stabilizer, which provides bit support and steering control just outside the bit, limiting the impact of potential wash-out on steering response
Continuous orientation control for a smoother and more accurately drilled hole
Shock, vibration and stick-slip sensors for improved performance diagnostics in real time, enabling timely corrective action
Fully electric and self-powered by integral mud turbine generator for improved reliability, longer runs, and less operating expenses
Versatile application
The OrientXpress® RSS is designed to operate in any extended-reach drilling well onshore or offshore, conventional or unconventional, at temperatures up to 347 degrees Fahrenheit (175° Celsius) and up to 20,000 psi. It features one of the best build rates in the industry to maximize lateral length in restricted areas, such as U.S. land locations. It also delivers complex trajectories in areas with tight well spacing, mitigating collision risk.

Enhance your operations
The OrientXpress® RSS integrates with Nabors' AccuSteer® Measurement While Drilling (MWD) system, a premier directional drilling and geosteering tool, for additional downhole measurements to optimize drilling performance.