AccuWave® Electromagnetic MWD System
The AccuWave® system transmits data continuously via electromagnetic wave propagation from the downhole tool to the surface, enabling drillers to achieve considerable time savings during each connection, regardless of the drilling fluid in use.

The AccuWave® system’s collar-mounted and short design makes it extremely robust and able to operate reliably where traditional mechanical MWD systems do not fare well.

Using the same chassis, circuit board and sensors as Nabors’ AccuMP® system, the AccuWave® system’s mud pulser is replaced with an electromagnetic (EM) antenna. By eliminating mechanical moving components subject to wear, wash and debris in the drilling fluid, the AccuWave® system is better suited to operations in high-temperature and high-shock and vibration environments.

Benefits of the AccuWave® system include:

Available Advanced Features
The AccuWave® system offers continuous inclination, real-time shock and vibration monitoring, gamma ray measurements, temperature readings, high-resolution surveys that are available with real-time vector transmission to support single-station and multi-station analysis. All measurements offer high-resolution memory downloads of surveys, shock and vibration incidents, temperature readings and gamma ray measurements for additional analysis and redundancy of data.

High Levels of Reliability
All electronics are integrated into a single circuit board, and all wire connectors and harnesses have been eliminated, as these are common failure points. The single circuit board and gamma modules are secured in the tool with a proprietary shock and vibration-reducing material, protecting components from up to 70 percent of the tool’s shock and vibration exposure, enabling the AccuWave® system to operate in the harshest drilling environments.

Unlimited LCM Capability
Because the AccuWave® system has no mechanical moving parts to become plugged or packed off, it has no limit on the amount or type of lost circulation material (LCM), making it an ideal solution for areas where lost circulation is an issue.

The AccuWave® system can be run in all vertical and horizontal wells in temperatures up to 175 degrees Fahrenheit (347 degrees Celsius). It has proven effective in areas of the Eagle Ford shale where other EM systems have not. The AccuWave® system is particularly useful in wells where lost circulation is an issue and large quantities of LCM are used. The EM tool has unlimited LCM tolerance. It is also effective in surface/intermediate batch drilling, where the same tool can be laid on the bank and picked back up for a subsequent run.

The AccuWave® system features
No moving parts which drastically improve mechanical reliability
Ability to operate in all drilling fluids (mud, air, mist, foam, etc.)
Unlimited LCM tolerance which eliminates significant nonproductive time (NPT) attributed to trips as a result of packed-off mud pulsers
High resolution data that can be accessed post drilling
Continuous inclination which eliminates check shots and results in a smoother wellbore
Shock and vibration features which mitigate hazardous drilling conditions before problems arise
Smart telemetry that optimizes rotating and sliding sequences for steerability and data logging
Surveys transmitted during connection to eliminate all downtime associated with acquiring mud pulse surveys
Robust design of electronics to significantly reduce shock and vibration-related failures
Enhance Your Operations
The AccuWave® system works with Total Control Non-Stop Driller, another one of Nabors’ performance products, to improve drilling performance. Total Control Non-Stop Driller is a sub-based constant circulation system designed to improve drilling efficiency, operational safety, hold condition and equipment integration.