PACE®-X800 Rig
The PACE®-X800 rig is a cutting edge rig design optimized for drilling multiple wells on a single pad. It can move in any direction along the X and Y axis, and is capable of moving over existing wellheads without third-party services or interfering with parallel operations on adjacent wells.

The PACE®-X800 rig was specifically engineered for well manufacturing in the U.S. shale plays, by reducing high-risk activity associated with skidding operations. With unmatched batch drilling capabilities, the PACE®-X800 rig is configured to meet an operator’s current and future drilling needs. It provides the necessary horsepower, pressure and torque to be delivered to the bit, allowing operators to maximize lateral length on directional and horizontal wells.

The PACE®-X800 rig has an average walk/skid time of only 2.3 hours from well to well. Its modular design limits the components needed to be rigged up and rigged down to streamline move times over short distances.

Best Batch Drilling Rig in the Market
Featuring Nabors Rigtelligent™ modular control system that allows for advanced automation and control both at the surface and downhole, the PACE®-X800 rig enables:

Faster Drilling
Autodriller DrillSmart® system allows more efficient drilling than any other autodriller due to advanced algorithms embedded into top drive code
ROCKit® software oscillates the drill string to dramatically reduce friction
Fluid ends for 7,500 psi mud system are optional, enabling higher torque in long laterals
Reduced Flat Time
Large rig floor with below-deck storage enables an efficient and safe rig floor that readily accepts storage of a casing running tool and other handling tools
AC Commander™ Drawworks® with two 1,500HP motors allow faster block speed
Set-back capacity of over 25,000 feet-of-inch drill pipe, eliminates lay down of drill pipe
Reduced Move/Skid Time
Competitor rigs typically cannot skid more than 100 feet away from mud tanks without losing sufficient pressure in flow lines. PACE®-X800 rigs feature:

Omni-directional walking system allows a rig to skid 100 feet by 25 feet in both the X and Y direction, with the option to extend the distance in 100-foot increments to increase wells per pad
Shakers ride on rig, eliminating time and HSE exposure of handling flowline
Choke manifold mounted on the rig floor moves with the rig when skidding
BOP trolley system streamlines batch drilling and reduces flat time when testing and handling the BOP and when skidding
Fewer plugs and cables due to split VFD design and distributed power systems reduce rig-up/rig-down time
Enhance Your Operations
Nabors offers an integrated suite of products and services for the PACE®-X800 rig to help customers save money and improve performance. These include performance tools that improve drilling operations, managed pressure services for better rig efficiency and productivity and tubular services that provide safer and more efficient casing activities. See your marketing representative for more information on the products and services designed for the PACE®-X800 rig.