Jack-up Rigs
Jack-up rigs are mobile, self-elevating drilling and workover platforms equipped with legs that can be lowered to the ocean floor until a foundation is established to support the hull, which contains the drilling and/or workover equipment, jacking system, crew quarters, loading and unloading facilities, storage areas for bulk and liquid materials, helicopter landing deck, and other related equipment.

The rig legs may operate independently or have a mat attached to the lower portion of the legs in order to provide a more stable foundation in soft bottom areas. Many of our jack-up rigs are of cantilever design – a feature that permits the drilling platform to be extended out from the hull, allowing it to perform drilling or workover operations over adjacent, fixed platforms.

Nabors’ shallow workover jack-up rigs generally are subject to a maximum water depth of approximately 125 feet, while some of our jack-up rigs may drill in water depths as shallow as 13 feet.

Nabors also has deeper water jack-up rigs that are capable of drilling at depths between eight feet and 150 to 250 feet. The water depth limit of a particular rig is determined by the length of its legs and by the operating environment. Moving a rig from one drill site to another involves lowering the hull down in to the water until it is afloat and then jacking up its legs with the hull floating. The rig is then towed to the new drilling site.