Big Foot MODS™ 400 - Ultra Deepwater Platform Drilling Rig
The largest of its kind, the Big Foot ultra-deepwater platform rig was designed for spar and TLP platforms. Unique features of the 4,600-horsepower Mobile Offshore Dynamic Series (MODS™) rig include:

Vertically Telescoping Derrick
API 4F – 2000 kips x 170 foot
Patent-pending design
Features using platform crane and drawworks to facilitate – and expedite – the installation process in lieu of member-by-member installation method. Overall safety of personnel is a direct benefit with expedited installation.
Telescoping derrick consists of five sections. Intermediate sections are joined by bolted connections. Once scoped into position, locking pins of base section are actuated to support operating loads.
Crown assembly capable of stringing 16 lines of 2" drilling line.
Skidding System and Hurricane Anti-uplift and Slide System
Rig substructure and drill floor are capable of skidding to well slots by hydraulic lift and roll skidding system.
Anti-uplift clamps and anti-skidding mechanical locking devices are designed for quick-acting lockdown of rig substructure to platform during hurricane conditions.
Moveable Tubular Handling Knuckleboom Crane
Along with the horizontal pipe handling machine, the proprietary tubular handling knuckleboom crane moves with the drilling substructure and is an integral part of the catwalk machine support structure.
Supports drilling activity by maximizing operations: +/- 180º slew versatility to handle drill pipe and casing joints
Provides maximum reach to all tubulars and catwalk machine at well locations