Whether it’s a push-the-bit or point-the-bit rotary steerable system, Halliburton has the right bit for the application. Our bits are custom designed to deliver precise directional control, complementing your directional bottomhole assembly so that drilling time and nonproductive time are reduced while maintaining hole quality.
MegaForce™ Fixed Cutter Drill Bits
Industry‘s Most Robust Matrix Body Drill Bit
Drilling through the most challenging formations, the MegaForce™ bit features advanced SelectCutter™ PDC Technology, ultra-efficient cutter layout force balancing, improved erosion resistant matrix material and enhanced hydraulics.
Designed for an operator‘s specific application by one of our Application Design Evaluation (ADESM) service specialists using our industry-unique Design at the Customer Interface (DatCISM) service, the result is a matrix bit with a combination of higher ROP and longer intervals drilled than any other bit.
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