Data acquisition is one of the most important objectives of well testing. While the equipment used to perform a well test has improved technologically over the years, the need to acquire data remains the same. Halliburton has worked continuously to develop its data acquisition portfolio to ensure reliability, accuracy, and easy access to information as it is being measured.
DynaLink™ Telemetry System
The DynaLink™ telemetry system provides operators with pertinent and timely data from downhole sensors by operating as a real time wireless sensor and actuator network using acoustic energy in the tubing string. Now, anything that can be done downhole, can be done wireless. The DynaLink system helps reduce the cost of operations and enhances the economical value of the reservoir through flexible access to critical and accurate real time data pertinent to the reservoir evaluation. This flexibility allows well-timed decisions to be made in drillstem testing and future sand control or stimulation applications. The system’s simple modular design reduces operation complexity, allowing versatility of performing the job with wireline if necessary. For pressure and temperature monitoring, a dual memory gauge allows redundancy capability.
DynaMem® Electronic Memory Gauges
Halliburton offers a line of robust gauges with proven track records for reliability—all designed to meet a variety of customer needs. Continued innovation and technological advancement has allowed the development of a newer generation of tools. These new tools require less power and have increased stability, resulting in consistent, accurate measurement of reservoir parameters.
The DynaMem® series of gauges are designed for both short-term and long-term monitoring requirements. Gauges come in standard sizes and a miniature version that maintains the same standard as larger gauges. These robust gauges have proven reliable in the toughest of oil field environments, including sour service. The gauges require very little maintenance and are easily calibrated.
Mechanical Integrity Testing
Mechanical Integrity Testing for Disposal Wells
State and Federal agencies require scheduled Mechanical Integrity Tests (MIT) of wells used for the underground disposal of hazardous materials. The corrosive nature of the materials being injected dictates that high nickel wireline (MP35) and corrosion resistant gauges be used for these downhole tests. These special wireline units and gauges command premium rental charges. However, the MIT Test can be conducted with surface measurements without the expense and risk of introducing tools and wireline into the well bore. The surface gauge must be suitable for use in a corrosive environment and of sufficient accuracy and repeatability to meet the standards of the state and federal regulatory authorities. The SPIDR® system with its dual quartz pressure transducer and corrosion resistant construction meets or exceeds all requirements for MIT testing.
SPIDR® - Self Powered Intelligent Data Retriever
No-risk, low-cost, non-intervention well testing. Other companies claim to offer surface pressure measurements for well testing, but only Halliburton can provide a sophisticated conversion of surface data to reservoir conditions, free well test planning, and offer well test analysis with a proven track record.
•Injection Well Testing
– Water and gas injection well testing
•Well Surveillance
– Real time wellhead pressure and temperature surveillance
– Monitor flowing bottom hole pressure from surface ◦Short term or long term monitoring
– SPIDR system used as a semi-permanent SCADA
•Subsea Well and Pipeline Testing
•Other Applications That Require High Quality Pressure Data
– Steam flood well testing (measure rate and pressure)
– Well integrity, packer leakage testing
– Decommissioning/plug & abandonment
– EOR applications
Unconventional Well Testing
•Diagnostic Fracture Injection Testing (DFIT™)
– Test ultra-low permeability formations in real time for reservoir and formation
– Capture high resolution pressure data and injection rate data
•Fracture Communication / Interference Monitoring
– Data used to help determine spacing and volume
– Real time communication
•Frac and Post-Frac Pressure Surveillance
Reservoir Testing Analysis
•Accurate Conversion to Downhole Pressures Via Optimized Cullender-Smith Conversion For gas wells, Halliburton uses a proprietary modification of the Cullender-Smith routine to convert wellhead pressures to bottom hole pressures (see actual results on page 4). For single-phase oil wells (above the bubble point at wellhead conditions), we use an incompressible-flow model and obtain accurate conversions. For multiphase wells, we have developed proprietary correlations that can handle mist, annular mist, bubble, dispersed bubble, and churn flow. Accuracy of the wellhead-to-downhole conversion varies with the quality of the input data (rates, pressures, and PVT information). But, based on test objectives and well conditions, we can optimize the test procedure to mitigate or eliminate possible sources of error. Also, we estimate the potential range of error before the test, so you can make an informed decision about the best way to test the well.
•Unconventional DFIT™ Testing Analysis
The purpose of the DFIT™ test is to obtain essential reservoir properties in a relatively short period of time. The DFIT™ is the primary empirical method that helps determine fracture design parameters (i.e. closure time, closure stress, net pressure, fluid efficiency, dominant leak-off mechanisms, etc.). These variables are necessary to define the discrete fracture network model. If pseudo-radial flow has been achieved, the reservoir pressure and reservoir flow capacity can be determined via After-Closure analysis (ACA). Halliburton is able to provide quick look analysis during a test and perform a full analysis upon completion of a test.
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