Riser Cleaning Tools
CleanWell® riser cleaning tools are designed to assist in removing any solid material or debris present in the riser, either on off-line operations or integrated with the displacement or intervention run. These systems are designed to protect all riser types from damage during operations—without sacrifice to superior cleaning performance.

Mag Tech® Riser Magnet

The CleanWell® Mag Tech® riser magnet is designed to assist in collecting ferrous or non-ferrous material, which has become magnetically charged due to pipe rotation during the displacement process.

The 16-in. OD riser magnet is designed to run in combination with riser equipment to assist in collecting material removed from the blowout preventer (BOP) cavities during a BOP flush or throughout the displacement process. Strong, high-energy neodymium bar magnets enable the Mag Tech riser magnet to retain its collection force throughout the displacement process. Good stabilization and large surface collection area provide for high-volume recoveries.

Riser Bristle Tech® Brush

The CleanWell® Riser Bristle Tech® brush is designed to mechanically assist in cleaning subsea risers by polishing and removing mud film and other restrictive material from the inner wall diameters.The brush provides superior riser wall cleaning without reducing circulating flow area. Fluid flow can either be directed around the outer diameter of the tool, self cleaning the bristles, or under the brush sleeves helping reduce the potential for pressure drop.

The Riser Bristle Tech brush can be integrated into a single-trip system in combination with other wellbore cleaning tools during the displacement process. It can also can be run as a stand-alone device for off-line riser cleanout runs.

Vor Tech® Riser Junk Bucket

The CleanWell® Vor Tech® riser junk bucket is designed to assist in capturing larger debris or solids that cannot be circulated out of the riser or casing due to volume challenges or unfavorable hydraulics. The riser junk bucket is designed to create a vortex effect which promotes solids dropping out of circulation and into the large upper collection throat.

The Vor Tech riser junk bucket is typically run in conjunction with CleanWell riser systems or other downhole tools such as the Drill Tech® casing scraper or Bristle Tech® brush. It can be integrated into a single-trip system in combination with other wellbore cleaning tools during the displacement process or specialty intervention runs.

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