Every well has unique formation, temperature, and pressure properties along with other variable such as annuli trajectory and diameter that can affect fluid movement during cementing operations and the cement sheath. Taking into account such variables, Halliburton designs cementing jobs with a slurry design intended to mix easily on location, stay fluid until the job is complete, and then quickly set, bonding to the casing and formation allowing the next well construction operation to proceed. In addition to these common requirements, cement jobs may have a wide variety of distinct goals which will be specific to that individual cementing challenge.
When you contract with Halliburton, applied-design tools are available to provide simulations to help you make good primary cementing decisions and demonstrate the value and effect of addressing the various parameters of a cement solution.
Designing a cement job requires extensive calculations (e.g., fluid types, fluid volumes, flow rates, circulatability, etc.) and Halliburton makes software available for performing many of these tedious calculations and electronically simulating cementing jobs. These programs allow the technical professional to evaluate and compare alternative designs of cement systems.
ACE™ Advanced Cement Evaluation
Provides quick, accurate information on cement bond, even when using foamed cements.
eRedbook® Software
A complete digital toolkit that offers quick and reliable calculators for computations used in daily operations.
SurePlug™ Process
Enhances hole cleaning, job design, materials selection, and plug-setting operations.
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