Reliability - Well Integrity - Deepwater Cementing
Reliability - Well Integrity

DeepAssurance™ Cementing Solution SuiteThe growing global appetite for energy brings the pursuit of hydrocarbon to ever deeper and more-difficult-to-access reserves; which in turn creates a demand for innovative, cost-effective and reliable technologies and processes. Reliable performance in all facets of operations—particularly deep water—is pivotal to reducing downtime, improving efficiencies and optimizing production. Reliability is a deepwater imperative.

What is reliability? It is the probability that a device or system or service will perform as intended under known conditions for a specified time. For Halliburton Cementing, it comes down to consistently providing the expected results over and over.

Halliburton strives to design reliability into oilfield technology, equipment and processes to minimize exposure and risk while helping operators maximize well performance. Reliability is a core value throughout the Halliburton Cementing organization—from engineering to manufacturing to operations:
•Design and testing procedures implemented during product and solution development.
•Process controls for continual verification and maintenance within tolerance levels.
•Training for and continual evaluation of safe and efficient operating envelopes and procedures.

When operators factor reliability into the procurement assessment process for cementing services, the overall result can be economic improvement. This is because wellbore integrity not only determines the life-cycle costs for service, maintenance and repair of that well, but also contributes to sustained production.

Halliburton has established five offshore training centers to support the personnel competency development programs of each of Halliburton’s deepwater locations around the world:
•Reforma, Mexico
•Batam, Indonesia
•Macaé, Brazil
•Houma, Louisiana
•Duncan, Oklahoma

Training on the actual equipment helps reinforce skills for critical tasks and promote efficiency for achieving wellbore integrity in the operating environments accessible only by deepwater drill ships and semi-submersible rigs. The curriculum includes remote-operation training on the highly-technical equipment required for the challenges of the deepwater environment: Automatic Density Control® (ADC®); the Liquid Additive Automated Metering and Pumping unit; the wirelessly operated Commander™ 1000 top-drive cement head; and the real-time, data-acquisition functionality of the iCem® service.

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