Surface Processing and Handling - Coring
High quality surface procedures are critical for providing core data that can prevent mechanical damage or any other alteration to the rock. Special inner barrel separation techniques and lay down procedures prevent torsional stress, bending and fracturing. Depending on the scope of surface processing and handling requirements, the core can be cut into one meter or three foot sections, boxed up and made ready for transportation. Alternatively, a number of various services can be performed at the wellsite by our highly skilled wellsite core processing professionals. These services include surface gamma logging, stabilization and preservation with several options to choose from, core plugging, and wellsite structural modeling. All these services aide in delivering the highest core quality to help ensure that every foot of core is useful in the quest to obtain valuable data about your reservoir.

Core Freezing
Freezing the core is one method of stabilization when dealing with very unconsolidated formations.

Core Gamma Logger
Halliburton‘s Core Gamma Logger (CGL) helps enable operators to make quick, real-time decisions about coring, testing and well completion activities immediately after the core has arrived on surface.

Core Plugging
Core plugging at the wellsite can be very important in delivering specific data requirements for your reservoir.

Epoxy Resin
Halliburton’s epoxy resin stabilization process helps ensure that the core is completely protected during wellsite handling, transportation, and laboratory processing.

Foam Preservation
Foam preservation service provides complete core stabilization via a fast, reliable system that helps ensure sample integrity while facilitating ease of handling.

Gypsum Preservation Service
Gypsum preservation service prevents core damage during surface handling and transportation.

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