Permanent Monitoring Systems
Halliburton permanent and retrievable monitoring products provide essential real-time data that can be used to assess the well environment and make informed decisions regarding reservoir management.

CheckStream® Chemical Injection System
The Halliburton CheckStream® system is a downhole chemical injection system featuring a dual redundant check valve installed and protected by an industry-standard mandrel chassis.

FloStream™ Venturi Flow Meter
The FloStream flowmeter is designed specifically to meet the requirements of the well in relation to material selection and expected flow rates. FloSteam flowmeter system operation is based on the Venturi principle

LinX® Monitoring Systems
The LinX® monitoring system provides real-time, well integrity monitoring in subsea wells without the need to halt production.

ROC™ Permanent Downhole Gauges
ROC™ permanent downhole gauges provide reliable, real-time permanent monitoring of downhole conditions, thereby increasing productivity through the life of the well or reservoir.

Standalone Permanent Monitoring Systems
The XPIO 2000® data acquisition and control system allows operators to monitor and control downhole gauges and topside instrumentation.

Subsea Control and Monitoring Systems
Halliburton offers a range of subsea interface cards that enable operators to monitor PDGs and to control Halliburton‘s Surface Controlled Reservoir Analysis and Management System (SCRAMS®) completions.

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